

 I wake up last night, this morning rather and everything was fine,, I have the song Calling Dr. Love going off in my head.. and then.. the grandest question of them all goes through my noggin.. WHERE DOES THE WATER GO??  seriously??? And this keeps me awake for the next several hours..  WHERE indeed.. does the water go.. when it rains, where does the water go.. I wasn't intentionally thinking of this as I had a trip to Grant today, and I have driven around the town looking at how the town and looking at how it is set up and situated with property and whatnot..  and then that question pops up into my noggin.. WHERE DOES THE WATER GO.. . don't you wonder??  Do I wander>>  I never used to but suddenly it's in my mind at half a light speed MPH,,  where oh where does the water go.. and why does it ever fuck the hell matter?? I have no idea.. it starts me wondering and keeping me awake for the next several hours.. I get back to sleep and the alarm wakes me up.. I could hav


 Facebook has BANNED ME FOR LIFE.. or twenty four hours, whichever comes first... Yeah I said something on a political sight I should not have said//  wrote something everyone was thinking and pushed  enter instead of delete... I get so tired of writing stuff and then deleting it instead of pushing ENTER...  damn you right thumb..  oh well in a few more hours I will be back to being a nice guy because if you show you have a mind of your own you can be banned..  So.. no more Willard needs a but plug... that isn't what I said.. I t wasn't much worse than that.. I gotta pretend that political shit doesn't mean anything, because in all reality, it really doesn't.. I put most of what I put on facebook pertaining to political horse shit on there to piss people off who are complete opposite thinkers, and not just thinkers but people who swear they would help a police officer who was in distress.. I would like to think I would to, except for one thing.. police officers are usua


 A year ago..  can you believe it..  a year ago, I would have never thought I would still be working where I am.  I HIT THE WALL.. I wrote about this in another blog entry but, I'm not sure it took.. So.. lto put it in a smaller context, I drove like a mad man last year at this time.. I drove a guy to cancer treatments pretty much five days a  week, and at first I kept it under control.. but by one month in, I started to lose my mind..  My ability to keep it under control, had the weather stayed relatively nice.. But it got hot of course, it is summer and it gets warm, and it got hot and I stopped caring about the lawn, couldn't water it.. the heat bothers me body wise, I have high blood pressure kept under control by taking prescriptions but they work extremely well in the summer, as they drop my pressure to scary depths..  So I stop or cut back on the prescriptions without the doctors knowing.. what he doesn't know won't hurt him..  Last year I had a case of insomnia


 The whole idea behind the cards for playing on the card player in the van was so I didn't get stuck having to listen to the radio.. mostly the problem with the radio is the over abundance of commercials and there are more than plenty.. as I found a couple weeks ago when someone wanted to see what the radio station he wanted to hear sounded like.. It was fine, I had just had my card playing and it had just had a few songs on the radio that were just played on the card.. so I felt good..  I initially wanted like two cards, and I wanted then to hold basically half my music collection each, BUT... T T T TT ,, that isn't how it works.. I could get a card that is 250 GB of space but they have to be a certain file format to play and storage and the whole nine yards as they say..  This wasn't working, so I changed and went with a smaller card, 32GB is the largest I could make work, so I compromised and made the cards sort of conceptual in what they are about.. initially I went wit

U drive

 I drive for a living, I drive transit situation and so that means training training training...   One of the things we went though recently (again) was about the Roundabouts.. those fun little London driving things.. they are set to eliminate all wrecks in intersections..  Truth is they are replacing the slow roll though of the stop signs.. You know what I don't get??  Stop signs are considered optional.. you can or don't actually have to stop at a stop sign UNLESS... unless there is a police  presence.. then you must have to make a better effort to stop..  What blows me away is stops signs are optional, while stop lights are gospel..  YOU HAVE TO STOP AND REMAIN AT A STOPPED POSITION UNTIL THE LIGHT TURNS GREEN.. there aparently is no hey I stopped now I can go situation.. except today when a truck did a slow roll through a freshly turned red light.. HE was coming up on the turn to go on the freeway and decided rather than stop..  a slow roll through was in order..  SO he did

To the edge

 I went walkabout yesterday.. It's what I call just walking my route to walk a little to stay in some form of shape..  And I checked the weather before I went, I do this when it is cloudy and there could be a question about going for a full walk or cutting it short..  Saturday I went short because it was questionable at best.. Sunday I saw where the weather would turn maybe during my walk but I kept an eye on it.. It didn't turn during my walk but a while after.. We knew it would turn, Reed Timmer has a facebook page and tells when and where he will be chasing and we were in an area Saturday, and not as much yesterday although that doesn't mean much, he can only choose an area and hope he is right, sometimes he misses, yesterday he missed, but not horribly bad.. I got home from my walk and decided to binge watch a show I had been watching (Gold Rush.. I started watching it in season one and love watching the Hoffmans with their struggles, it proves that at least that part o

Adventures in driving

 This isn't me taking bits and pieces from a movie plot and making it my own.. Yesterday actually happened..  Fridays I wish were less work related, and more ... like a day fishing..  but yesterday was kinda rough..  I get up and get going, I figure take the day as it comes, don't force anything, knowing it was going to be a long one, technically speaking..  I would take the dialysis lady to North Platte, drop her off, go back to Ogalalla and pick up another rider and take her to Haxton Colorado. I was actually looking forward to that trip, mostly because I have never actually been to Haxton before, I've been out by there way back in another life doing ... something else (wink wink)..  but never in town, and after dropping off the rider I wanted to cruise the burg as the saying goes, take a look at the metro that is Haxton but because I was in a time crunch, that was out of the question, I had less than five minutes of down time, all of which was spent wizzing..  so..  I ge