Facebook has BANNED ME FOR LIFE.. or twenty four hours, whichever comes first... Yeah I said something on a political sight I should not have said// wrote something everyone was thinking and pushed enter instead of delete... I get so tired of writing stuff and then deleting it instead of pushing ENTER... damn you right thumb.. oh well in a few more hours I will be back to being a nice guy because if you show you have a mind of your own you can be banned.. So.. no more Willard needs a but plug... that isn't what I said.. I t wasn't much worse than that.. I gotta pretend that political shit doesn't mean anything, because in all reality, it really doesn't.. I put most of what I put on facebook pertaining to political horse shit on there to piss people off who are complete opposite thinkers, and not just thinkers but people who swear they would help a police officer who was in distress.. I would like to think I would to, except for one thing.. police officers are usually in pretty damn good shape, even the ones that lift donuts as their min weight lifting regime.. They can be in really good shape and if they aren't in a position to do some serious but kicking then they have weaponry that can change the way you feel about a lot of things.. and shooting someone, that is just icing on the cake for most of them.. SO I wouldn't dream of actually physically helping them out.. not really.. dream of a situation that this could happen.. there isn't actually one.. SO I am banned from Facebook for a day, and actually down to about four hours right now.. Ummm what to do what to do.. actually the last time this happened I swore I would leave facebook.. that didn't actually happen, no shit I wonder why.. I am one of the few who use it for what it can be used for.. communication with people.. although i have a tendency to communicate too much, which is to say ... say too much.. Anyway I went through earlier and started to delete political sites, they have no sense of hmour and also no sense of irony.. so fuck them.. you know.. enough is enough. That isn't what I have facebook for and until I get it the way I want it, I will delete as many sites and for that matter look to go with another form of social communtity .. I wanted to use the Google one but it went south in a hurry didn't it.??? SO.. onward..
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