That's what I'll call it?

Thursday night I took a friend to her daughters music concert and awards banquet..  and it's one of the first ones of these that I have gone to, event of some sort, where I didn't have a camera to record it, didn't have to have one.. and it was a weird feeling.. Because I was thinking of that when I was there, we got there relatively early and when I would go to one of these things I would go to where I thought the best angle was to get what the event was.. try to do that even if we got there a little later.. It was a strange feeling because while the angle and everything was something to worry about, batteries running out of juice was another and as my camera was getting older I was not looking forward to doing a lot of the events, there is no pause to change batteries out button on life, it just moves on ready or not..  And the last couple of things that I got were with mom as usual and the main reason I did all of it was for mom, there wasn't me, I didn't do any of it for me, it was all for mom.. the reason I can say this.. I haven't and will likely never do any video like that after mom passed away.. I have no desire to do it anymore.. and my camera is not really usable, the batteries are all likely shot, it's been nearly three years since it was used, I used it.. the last time was in the hospital a week before mom passed away, in the room she would pass away in, she was getting ready to go home and the flight for life helicopter was leaving and I got a shot of it leaving. little did I know that was the last video I would ever do.. Strange, thinking about it now..  The end of an era?? I suppose..  
