Well it took long enough to come up with the name, something original that no one would ever think of.. It's all so mysterious to me how this came about.. It's almost like the password that I came up with when I first got on the internet, and they said don't just have one password for everything.. and yet.. that is exactly what I have, one password for every site I have.. because no one could guess it.. it is so unrelated to me, so unbelievably easy and yet.. what does it even mean?? same as with this blog, the new world course.. the new north south compass heading, and this blog is a senseless name for a senseless time. BADINGA BADONGA ... BADINGA BONGA Means absolutely nothing.. And the blog might mean just about the same.. it will contain entries that are meaningless and likely speak absolutely no volumes but will be read by the blind and laughed at by the easily entertained.. welcome to the dark side of the globe.. the dark side of the Mars.. the...